Being a fulltime writer (yes, it is what I am at the moment) is bloody hard work. I'm totally exhausted at the end of the day. Yes, I am also not getting in bed by 11 every night and yes, I do have a cocktail (or even two) sometimes so I guess my current lifestyle isn't helping with the exhaustion. But late nights and booze produces a different type of tired than the draining after writing an entire day.
Who knew making stuff up could be such hard work?
This is not a complaint though. I love being able to write all day and the tired feeling at the end of it has a sense of accomplishment in it, and pride too. Nothing like the brain meltdown from boredom after spending the day responding to emails from needy, annoying academics and writing policy - quite different indeed.
On Monday I'm seeing my mentor who happens to be in NY too right now. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take stock and evaluate how my retreat went and maybe talk about next steps. And talk about how I can stay motivated and not get all my energy sucked up by that pesky "real" fulltime job.
Because despite having said that I would put writing on ice until December, I have realized I will just have to just push on. I need to finish this. This is more important than anything else.
One week to go with Tuesday being my last day (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!). I reckon I have maybe 4 1/2 more writing days left (I might actually allow myself to take the weekend off - I'm getting inked, drunk and who knows what else) so I should be able to write at least one more chapter. A new chapter 10 it turns out as the current chapter 10 is now going to be chapter 11... Don't get me started.
And on that note, I am going to get back to completing today's minimum word count and make stuff up.
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